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Can a Hot Tub Cover Lifter Go on Any Side? Find Out Now!

If you’re a hot tub owner, you know how important it is to keep the cover in good condition. A cover lifter makes it easier to use and store the cover, ensuring that it lasts longer. One common question that hot tub owners have is whether a hot tub cover lifter can be installed on any side of the hot tub. In this section, we’ll explore the flexibility of hot tub cover lifters and whether they can be installed on any side of the hot tub.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hot tub cover lifters are essential for hot tub maintenance and convenience.
  • Side placement options for hot tub cover lifters need to be carefully considered depending on various factors such as the hot tub’s location and access.
  • Knowing the benefits and drawbacks of each placement option can help you choose the best option for your hot tub cover lifter installation.
  • Proper installation techniques are crucial to ensure a secure and long-lasting setup regardless of the side you choose.
  • Hot tub cover lifters can be installed on any side of your hot tub as long as it’s done correctly, but some sides might be more suitable than others based on your preferences and needs.

Understanding Hot Tub Cover Lifters

Hot tub cover lifters are essential accessories for anyone who owns a hot tub. They aid in the proper maintenance of the hot tub and ensure convenience while using the tub. Cover lifters make it easier to remove and replace the cover, which is crucial for hot tub maintenance, and they also prolong the lifespan of the hot tub cover.

Various types of hot tub cover lifters are available in the market, each with unique features and benefits. Some of the most popular types include:

  1. Side Mount Cover Lifter: This type of cover lifter is attached to the side of the hot tub and requires a clearance of 18 inches on the side to install.
  2. Under-Mount Cover Lifter: This model is installed underneath the hot tub and requires less clearance than the side mount type.
  3. Top Mount Cover Lifter: As the name suggests, this model is installed on top of the hot tub and doesn’t require any side clearance.

While the type of hot tub cover lifter you choose depends on your specific needs and preferences, it’s essential to ensure that the lifter is compatible with the dimensions and weight of your hot tub cover.

In addition to various types of lifters, a range of accessories can be used to enhance the functionality of hot tub cover lifters. For example, a cover caddy can be used to lock the cover in place when not in use or to hang the cover off the ground while removing and replacing it. A spa cover cap can also be used to protect the hot tub cover from dust and debris.

Factors to Consider for Side Placement

When it comes to hot tub cover lifter installation, the placement of the lifter on the hot tub’s side is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. Here are a few factors to consider before making your choice:

  • Accessibility: Will the chosen side of the hot tub provide easy access to the cover lifter for opening and closing the cover?
  • Space: Do you have enough space on the chosen side for proper installation and functionality?
  • Clearance: Will the cover lifter have adequate clearance from walls, seating areas, and other fixtures to ensure unrestricted movement when opening and closing the cover?
  • Weight: Keep in mind the weight of the cover itself and how it will impact the functionality of the cover lifter.

Considering these factors is critical for ensuring a smooth and efficient experience when using your hot tub cover lifter. Taking the time to evaluate the different options available and determining which one suits your needs best is key to enjoying your hot tub and its accessories to the fullest.

Options for Hot Tub Cover Lifter Placement

When it comes to hot tub cover lifter installation, there are several options available for side placement. Each option has its pros and cons, and the one you choose will depend on your preferences and the layout of your hot tub area. Let’s explore the different options below:

Side Mount

The side mount option is one of the most popular choices for hot tub cover lifter installation. It attaches to the side of your hot tub and is usually positioned at the foot end. This placement is convenient since it allows for easy access to the cover lifter from inside or outside the hot tub.

However, the side mount option can take up some deck space and may get in the way if your hot tub is in a smaller area. Additionally, the side mount may not be suitable for certain hot tub models or shapes.

Deck Mount

The deck mount is another popular option for hot tub cover lifter placement. It is attached to the deck or surrounding structure, rather than the hot tub itself. This placement can be ideal for hot tubs in smaller areas where side clearance is limited.

However, the deck mount option may not be suitable for all hot tub models, and it may require additional support to ensure a secure installation. Additionally, it may not be as convenient to use as other options since you need to move away from the hot tub to access the cover lifter.

Under Mount

The under mount option is a less common choice for hot tub cover lifter placement. It is attached underneath the hot tub, allowing for a more discreet and streamlined appearance. This placement can be ideal if you want to keep your hot tub area looking neat and tidy.

However, the under mount option may not be suitable for all hot tub models, and it may require professional installation to ensure proper support and secure attachment. Additionally, accessing the cover lifter from underneath the hot tub may not be as convenient as other options.

Ultimately, the hot tub cover lifter placement you choose will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It’s important to consider the pros and cons of each option and ensure proper installation techniques are followed for a secure and long-lasting setup.

Best Side for Hot Tub Cover Lifter Installation

When it comes to hot tub cover lifter installation, choosing the right side is crucial for convenience and functionality. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Accessibility: Choose a side that has enough clearance and space for the cover lifter to move without obstruction. Ensure that the lifter can be easily accessed from outside the hot tub, so you don’t have to step into the water.
  2. Weight distribution: Keep in mind the weight distribution of your hot tub cover and consider the side that can handle the weight distribution best. Placing the lifter on the heaviest side of the cover can make it easier to lift and move the cover.
  3. Hot tub placement: If your hot tub is placed in a tight space or up against a wall, consider placing the cover lifter on the side that provides the most space for maneuverability.

Now that you know what to consider, let’s explore the different options for placement:

Side Advantages Disadvantages
Left – Can be convenient for left-handed users. – May not be suitable if the hot tub is situated close to a wall on the left side.
Right – Can be convenient for right-handed users. – May not be suitable if the hot tub is situated close to a wall on the right side.
Back – Can be suitable if the hot tub is situated in a tight space. – May require the user to step into the hot tub to access the cover lifter.
Front – Provides easy accessibility from outside the hot tub. – May obstruct views if the hot tub is placed in a scenic location.

Ultimately, the best side for hot tub cover lifter installation depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider the factors mentioned above and weigh the pros and cons of various placement options to determine which is the most suitable for you.

Installation Tips and Considerations

When it comes to installing a hot tub cover lifter, there are certain tips and considerations to keep in mind to ensure a successful and secure setup.

Choose the Right Type of Lifter

The first step is to select the right type of hot tub cover lifter for your specific hot tub model and size. This will ensure that the lifter fits snugly and securely, and that it can be properly installed on the side you’ve chosen.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Before starting the installation process, it’s essential to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This will ensure that you don’t miss any steps and that you have all the necessary tools and hardware to complete the installation.

Ensure Proper Clearance

When installing a hot tub cover lifter, it’s crucial to ensure that there is enough clearance between the lifter and any obstructions, such as nearby walls or furniture. This will prevent any potential damage to the cover or the lifter, as well as ensure ease of use.

Check for Stability

Once you’ve installed the hot tub cover lifter, it’s important to check for stability. Make sure that the lifter is securely attached to the hot tub and that it can support the weight of the cover without wobbling or shifting.

Maintain Regular Maintenance

Finally, remember that regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your hot tub cover lifter. This includes keeping it clean and free of debris, lubricating any moving parts, and tightening any loose bolts or hardware as needed.


When it comes to installing a hot tub cover lifter, there are multiple placement options to consider. However, the best side for installation largely depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Before making a decision, it’s important to understand what a hot tub cover lifter is and how it can benefit your hot tub maintenance routine. You should also consider factors such as the space available around your hot tub, the ease of access to the lifter, and the compatibility of the lifter with your hot tub cover.

Secure Installation is Key

Regardless of which side you choose, proper installation is crucial for safety and functionality. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation and use, and ensure that the lifter is securely fixed to your hot tub.

By taking the time to evaluate your options and carefully consider your needs, you can choose the optimal side for your hot tub cover lifter installation. With the right placement and proper installation, you can maximize the convenience and functionality of your hot tub cover lifter, and enjoy a hassle-free hot tub experience for years to come.


Can a hot tub cover lifter go on any side?

Yes, a hot tub cover lifter can be installed on any side of the hot tub. The side placement options allow for flexibility and convenience in accessing and storing your hot tub cover.

What is a hot tub cover lifter?

A hot tub cover lifter is a device designed to assist in the removal and storage of a hot tub cover. It is an essential accessory for hot tub maintenance as it makes it easier and more convenient to access your hot tub while keeping the cover protected when not in use.

What types of hot tub cover lifters are available?

There are various types of hot tub cover lifters available in the market, including hydraulic cover lifters, manual cover lifters, and cover lifters with assist systems. Each type offers different features and benefits, catering to different preferences and needs.

What factors should I consider for side placement of a hot tub cover lifter?

When deciding on the side placement of a hot tub cover lifter, you should consider factors such as the location of the hot tub, the surrounding space, the accessibility of the side, and any potential obstructions that may affect the lifter’s functionality.

What are the options for hot tub cover lifter placement?

The options for hot tub cover lifter placement include the left side, right side, front side, or rear side of the hot tub. Each option has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your specific needs, space availability, and personal preference.

Is there a recommended side for hot tub cover lifter installation?

There is no specific recommended side for hot tub cover lifter installation. The best side for installation depends on factors such as the layout of your hot tub area, the available space, and your personal preference for ease of access and aesthetic appeal.

Any tips for installing a hot tub cover lifter?

When installing a hot tub cover lifter, make sure to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the lifter is securely attached to the hot tub and that it operates smoothly. It is also important to regularly inspect and maintain the lifter for optimal performance.

Jeff Campbell