About Hot Tub Owner HQ

Hot Tub Owner HQ is a blog with articles dedicated to helping hot tub owners (and would-be hot tub owners) understand, operate, fix, and maintain their hot tubs; whether inflatable, in-ground, or stand-alone. It was founded by Jeff Campbell in July 2019 so it’s still basically a brand new site at this point, but growing.


I, Jeff Campbell, have loved hot tubs since my first one back in 2005. All in all, I’ve owned 4 hot tubs, purchasing 2 of those new, 1 came with the house I bought, and the other was a used one I bought off Craigslist that I fixed up. Each of those scenarios has helped me navigate the world of hot tubs, and while I’m still learning, I want to pass on what I’ve learned from each of those experiences. So with this site, you can expect articles on:

  • Maintainance
  • Chemicals
  • Balancing Water tips
  • Repairs
  • Health and Safety tips


Demographically speaking, most readers of Hot Tub Owner HQ are based in the United States (76%), with the remaining portion coming from Canada: The vast majority of readers are between the ages of 18-34 and about a 50/50 split between men and women. Of course, as my site ages and grows, those demographics may change.


Prior to starting Hot Tub Owner HQ, I already had 2 other sites and I have since launched 1 other site, and there are probably more to come.

Middle Class Dad – Wanting a creative oulet for all the knowledge I had gained as a parent, husband, homeowner, and household budgeter, I launched my first “real” site in August 2016 to help other parents navigate all the same challenges I was facing. It covers a broad range of topics, but most are centered around parenting, marriage tips, travel, personal finance, and household DIY tips.
Kitchen Appliance HQ – With 20+ years of Whole Foods Market experience behind me, I launched this site in January 2019 with a focus on food and cooking tips, small kitchen appliance tips, as well as foodie topics. It is not a recipe site. However, it’s designed to address common problems and challenges in the kitchen and inspire a passion for cooking.
The Grocery Store Guy – Again, putting my 20+ years of experience to work again, this site launched in August 2019. I started it shortly after I spent a few days consulting in San Diego with an old friend of mine from my Whole Foods days who is still in the grocery business. I have a large wealth of untapped knowledge that can help anyone starting, running, owning, or working in a grocery store. My site covers everything from profit and loss, merchandising, HR and more, just like I did when I wore the Whole Foods apron.