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How to Care For and Use Your Hot Tub in Summer

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your hot tub, but it’s important to take some extra steps to keep it in top condition under the scorching sun. With the higher temperatures and increased usage, proper maintenance and care are essential to ensure your hot tub remains clean, safe, and enjoyable. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights on how to care for and use your hot tub during the summer months.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adjust the water temperature to a cooler level, around 98℉, and keep the hot tub running to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Use the correct chemicals and regularly test the water for chlorine consumption, pH levels, and alkalinity.
  • Employ tennis balls to absorb lotions and oils to prevent buildup in the hot tub.
  • Regularly drain and clean the hot tub to remove debris and maintain optimal performance.
  • Maintain the chemical balance and ensure proper water circulation for efficient filtration and sanitation.

Adjusting Water Temperature and Running the Hot Tub

During the summer months, it’s recommended to adjust your hot tub’s water temperature to a cooler level, around 98℉, to ensure a refreshing soak while still maintaining the therapeutic benefits. This temperature provides a pleasant experience and prevents the water from becoming uncomfortably warm. To achieve this, simply access your hot tub’s control panel and lower the temperature setting according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Running your hot tub regularly in the summer is crucial to prevent bacterial growth and maintain optimal water quality. While you may be tempted to turn off your hot tub when the weather heats up, doing so can create an environment that promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Instead, keep the hot tub running in “economy” or “sleep” mode, which circulates the water and helps maintain a lower temperature. This circulation also aids in distributing the chemicals evenly throughout the tub, ensuring proper water sanitization.

To further enhance your experience, consider adding frozen water jugs or utilizing frozen wet towels. Placing a few frozen water jugs on the steps or seats of your hot tub can help lower the water temperature naturally. Additionally, wrapping a frozen wet towel around your neck or forehead can provide a cooling sensation while you enjoy your soak.

Hot Tub Summer Maintenance Tips
Adjust the water temperature to around 98℉ for a refreshing soak
Keep the hot tub running in “economy” or “sleep” mode to prevent bacterial growth
Add frozen water jugs or use a frozen wet towel to cool down

By following these simple tips for adjusting the water temperature and running your hot tub, you can have a comfortable and enjoyable experience throughout the summer. Remember to refer to your hot tub’s user manual for specific instructions regarding temperature control and operating modes.

Using the Correct Chemicals and Frequent Water Testing

Proper hot tub maintenance in the summer starts with using the correct chemicals and regularly testing the water to ensure it remains clean and balanced. To maintain a healthy hot tub, it’s important to understand the role of each chemical and how they contribute to water quality. Chlorine or bromine is typically used as a sanitizer to kill bacteria and prevent algae growth. pH levels should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.8 for optimal water balance. Alkalinity acts as a buffer, helping to stabilize pH levels, while calcium hardness prevents corrosion and scale formation.

To maintain proper chemical balance, it is essential to regularly test the water using test strips or a liquid testing kit.

Test for chlorine or bromine levels, pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Based on the test results, adjust the chemicals accordingly. Add chlorine or bromine if the sanitizer levels are low, and use pH increasers or decreasers to adjust pH levels. Alkalinity and calcium hardness can be adjusted using specific chemicals available for hot tubs.

Recommended Chemical Usage:

Chemical Usage
Chlorine or Bromine 1-3 ppm (parts per million)
pH Increaser If pH is below 7.2
pH Decreaser If pH is above 7.8
Total Alkalinity Increaser If alkalinity is below 80 ppm
Calcium Hardness Increaser If calcium hardness is below 150 ppm

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when adding chemicals to your hot tub. Be cautious not to mix different chemicals together, as this can lead to hazardous reactions. Regularly monitoring and maintaining the chemical balance in your hot tub will ensure that the water remains clean, clear, and safe for use throughout the summer.

Absorbing Lotions and Oils with Tennis Balls

To keep your hot tub water clean and clear, consider placing tennis balls in the water to absorb any lotions, oils, or other substances that can accumulate and lead to maintenance issues. These can include sunscreen, body oils, and even hair products. Tennis balls have a porous surface that helps to attract and absorb these substances, preventing them from forming a film or residue on the water’s surface or clogging up your hot tub’s filters.

Simply place a few tennis balls in the water and let them float around while you enjoy your hot tub. Over time, the balls will soak up the lotions and oils, keeping your water fresher for longer. And the best part? Tennis balls are affordable and easy to find, making them a cost-effective solution to maintain your hot tub water quality.

In addition to using tennis balls, it is still important to regularly clean and maintain your hot tub. This includes draining and refilling the water, cleaning the filters, and balancing the chemicals. By incorporating the use of tennis balls into your hot tub maintenance routine, you can further enhance the cleanliness and enjoyment of your hot tub experience.

Tennis Ball Benefits:
1. Absorbs lotions, oils, and other substances.
2. Prevents buildup and residue on the water’s surface.
3. Helps to keep the hot tub water clean and clear.
4. Cost-effective and easily accessible.

By following these tips and incorporating tennis balls into your hot tub maintenance routine, you can enjoy clean and clear water throughout the summer. So go ahead, grab a few tennis balls, and let them do the work for you!

Regular Draining and Cleaning of the Hot Tub

Regularly draining and cleaning your hot tub is essential to maintain its efficiency and prevent any potential issues that may arise from debris or buildup. Over time, dirt, leaves, and other particles can accumulate in the water, affecting the performance of your hot tub and potentially causing damage to its components. By following a simple cleaning routine, you can ensure that your hot tub remains in optimal condition throughout the summer.

To start the cleaning process, you will need to drain the hot tub completely. This can be done by using the drain plug or pump to remove all the water. Once the water is drained, it is important to clean the interior surfaces of the hot tub. Use a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge to scrub away any dirt or residue. Pay close attention to the areas around the jets and filters, as these can often harbor buildup that can affect the water flow and quality.

After cleaning the surfaces, it is time to clean the filters. The filters play a crucial role in keeping the water clean and clear, so it is important to clean them regularly. Remove the filters and rinse them with water to remove any debris. If they are heavily soiled, you may need to use a filter-cleaning solution or replace them altogether. Cleaning the filters will ensure that the water in your hot tub remains fresh and free of contaminants.

Step Action
1 Drain the hot tub completely
2 Clean the interior surfaces with a non-abrasive cleaner
3 Rinse and clean the filters

Once you have completed the cleaning process, you can refill the hot tub with fresh water. Before adding any chemicals, make sure that the water is at the desired level and the temperature is appropriate. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, add the necessary chemicals to maintain the water’s pH balance and sanitization levels. Regularly testing the water and adjusting the chemical levels accordingly will help ensure that your hot tub remains clean and safe to use.

By incorporating regular draining and cleaning into your hot tub maintenance routine, you can enjoy a clean and well-functioning hot tub all summer long. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with a professional if you encounter any issues or have specific questions about maintaining your specific hot tub model.

Maintaining Chemical Balance

Keeping the chemical balance of your hot tub is crucial for not only maintaining the water’s cleanliness but also ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the equipment. In order to achieve this, regular testing of the water is essential. Testing kits are readily available and can measure chlorine consumption levels, pH levels, and alkalinity.

Based on the test results, you can adjust the chemical levels accordingly. It’s important to follow manufacturer guidelines and use the correct chemicals for your specific hot tub model. This will help prevent issues such as cloudy water, skin irritation, and potential damage to the equipment.

Additionally, maintaining the proper chemical balance will help to sanitize the water, killing any bacteria or harmful microorganisms that may be present. This will ensure that your hot tub remains a safe and enjoyable place to relax.

Hot Tub Chemical Balance Guidelines

Chemical Ideal Range
Chlorine 1.0-3.0 ppm
pH 7.2-7.8
Alkalinity 80-120 ppm

“Maintaining the proper chemical balance will help to sanitize the water, killing any bacteria or harmful microorganisms that may be present.”

By regularly testing and adjusting the chemical levels, you can ensure that your hot tub water remains clean, clear, and safe for use. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and consult with a professional if you are unsure about any aspect of hot tub maintenance.

Ensuring Quality Water Circulation

Adequate water circulation is vital to keeping your hot tub water clean, clear, and properly sanitized, ensuring a safe and enjoyable soak during the summer months. Proper circulation helps to distribute chemicals evenly, prevent stagnant water, and maintain the ideal temperature throughout.

To ensure quality water circulation in your hot tub, follow these tips:

  1. Check the water jets: Regularly inspect and clean the jets to remove any debris or blockages that may hinder water flow. Ensure that all jets are working correctly.
  2. Adjust the jets: Experiment with different jet settings to find the optimal balance between relaxation and circulation. Higher jet speeds promote better water movement, while lower speeds offer a more gentle massage.
  3. Monitor the filtration system: Clean or replace the hot tub filters regularly, as instructed by the manufacturer. Clogged filters can impede water flow and reduce the efficiency of the filtration system.

Remember, maintaining proper water circulation is not only crucial for water quality but also for the overall performance of your hot tub. By following these tips, you can ensure that your hot tub remains a refreshing oasis throughout the summer season.

Table: Common Water Circulation Issues and Troubleshooting

Issue Troubleshooting
Weak or uneven water flow
  • Check for clogged filters and clean or replace them if necessary.
  • Ensure all jets are fully open and not obstructed.
  • Inspect the pump for any signs of damage or malfunction.
No water circulation
  • Check if the circulation pump is running and functioning correctly.
  • Inspect the control panel for error codes or indicators of pump issues.
  • If needed, contact a professional technician for further assistance.
Excessive air in the jets
  • Check the water level in the hot tub and ensure it is at the appropriate level.
  • Inspect the air control valves and adjust them to minimize air intake.
  • If the issue persists, contact a professional technician to check for possible plumbing leaks.

Proactive Inspections for Cracks or Leaks

Regularly inspecting your hot tub for any signs of cracks or leaks is crucial to catch potential problems early on and avoid more extensive damage. A small crack or leak can lead to water seepage, which can damage the surrounding structure and components of the hot tub. To ensure the longevity of your hot tub and prevent costly repairs, it’s important to incorporate proactive inspections into your regular maintenance routine.

During your inspections, pay close attention to the interior and exterior surfaces of the hot tub. Look for any visible cracks, holes, or deterioration. Check the corners, seams, and areas around the jets and fittings. Inspect the underside and the areas where the plumbing connects to the hot tub. If you notice any signs of water leakage, such as dampness, discoloration, or mold growth, it’s a clear indication that there is a crack or leak that needs to be addressed.

To fix any cracks or leaks, it is recommended to consult a professional hot tub technician. They have the expertise and knowledge to properly assess the issue and carry out the necessary repairs. Attempting to repair the damage yourself may result in further damage or void the warranty on your hot tub.

Benefits of Proactive Inspections
Prevents water damage
Preserves structural integrity
Extends the lifespan of your hot tub
Avoids costly repairs

Regularly inspecting your hot tub for cracks or leaks is like getting an early check-up for your hot tub’s health. By catching and addressing any issues early on, you can keep your hot tub functioning properly and enjoy countless hours of relaxation.

Cooling Down and Enhancing Relaxation

To beat the summer heat and enhance your hot tub relaxation, there are a few tricks to cool down the water and create a more comfortable environment. One effective method is to add frozen water jugs to the hot tub. Simply freeze water in plastic jugs and then float them in the hot tub. This will help lower the overall temperature of the water and provide a refreshing experience. Another option is to use a frozen wet towel. Wet a towel, place it in the freezer until it becomes icy, and then drape it around your neck or over your shoulders while enjoying the hot tub. The coolness of the towel will help regulate your body temperature and make your soak more enjoyable.

While in the hot tub, you can also choose to sit up out of the water for a while to allow for evaporation. This can help you cool down quickly, especially if you’re feeling overheated. Additionally, consider creating shade for your hot tub if it’s exposed to direct sunlight. Using an umbrella or shade structure can prevent excessive heating and help maintain a comfortable water temperature.

Tip Benefits
Add frozen water jugs Lower the water temperature
Use a frozen wet towel Cool down your body
Sit up out of the water Allow for evaporation and quick cooling
Create shade for your hot tub Prevent excessive heating

Remember, the goal is to maintain a comfortable temperature while enjoying your hot tub. By implementing these tips, you can beat the summer heat and ensure a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Providing Shade for Hot Tubs Exposed to Direct Sunlight

If your hot tub is located in an area that receives direct sunlight, it’s essential to provide shade to protect the hot tub’s components and maintain optimal water temperature. Extended exposure to sunlight can cause the hot tub’s surface to fade and degrade over time. Moreover, excessive heat can lead to evaporation and chemical imbalance.

One of the simplest ways to provide shade is by using an umbrella specifically designed for hot tubs. These umbrellas can be easily attached to the side of the hot tub or to a nearby deck or patio. They can be adjusted to different angles to block out the sun’s rays throughout the day.

Another option is to install a shade structure, such as a pergola or a gazebo, near your hot tub. These structures not only provide shade but also add a touch of elegance to your outdoor space. By strategically positioning the shade structure, you can create a comfortable and inviting area for relaxation.

Remember, by protecting your hot tub from direct sunlight, you can prolong its lifespan and ensure that the water remains at an ideal temperature for a refreshing soak. So, don’t forget to add some shade to your hot tub oasis!

Benefits of Providing Shade
Prevents fading and degradation of hot tub’s surface
Helps maintain optimal water temperature
Reduces evaporation and chemical imbalance
Creates a comfortable and inviting outdoor space

Troubleshooting Common Hot Tub Issues

Despite proper maintenance, hot tubs can encounter issues during the summer months; here are some common problems and how to troubleshoot them.

1. Water Cloudiness: If you notice your hot tub water becoming cloudy, it could be due to improper filtration or a high level of contaminants. To resolve this issue, check the hot tub filter and clean or replace it if necessary. You should also shock the water with a non-chlorine oxidizer to eliminate any organic matter.

2. Low Water Flow: A decrease in water flow can indicate a clogged filter or an issue with the pump. Start by checking the filter for debris and cleaning or replacing it if needed. If the water flow is still low, there may be a problem with the pump, and you should contact a professional for further assistance.

3. Error Codes: Hot tubs are equipped with error codes to alert you to any malfunctions. If you see an error code on your hot tub’s control panel, consult the owner’s manual to identify the issue and follow the recommended troubleshooting steps. If you’re unable to resolve the problem, contact a hot tub technician for assistance.

4. Unpleasant Odors: If your hot tub water has a foul smell, it may be due to bacteria or algae growth. To address this issue, shock the water with a chlorine-based sanitizer to kill the bacteria. You should also clean the hot tub cover and ensure that the water is properly balanced with the correct levels of chlorine and pH.

Remember, if you encounter any issues with your hot tub, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent further damage. Regular maintenance and proper troubleshooting can help ensure that your hot tub provides a relaxing and enjoyable experience throughout the summer months.


Taking the time to properly care for and maintain your hot tub during the summer will ensure a refreshing and enjoyable experience while prolonging the lifespan of your equipment. To start, adjust the water temperature to a cooler level, around 98℉, and keep the hot tub running to prevent bacterial growth. You can switch to “economy” or “sleep” mode to maintain a lower temperature while circulating the water, saving energy in the process.

Using the correct chemicals and frequently testing the water for chlorine consumption, pH levels, and alkalinity are vital for maintaining water quality. Additionally, using tennis balls to absorb lotions and oils, draining and cleaning the hot tub regularly, and maintaining a proper chemical balance are essential maintenance tasks to ensure a clean and safe hot tub.

Quality water circulation is crucial for efficient filtration and chemical distribution.

By ensuring proper water circulation and conducting proactive inspections for cracks or leaks, you can prevent further damage and costly repairs. Lastly, don’t forget to consider ways to cool down and enhance relaxation, such as adding frozen water jugs, using frozen wet towels, sitting up out of the water to allow for evaporation, or providing shade for hot tubs exposed to direct sunlight with an umbrella or shade structure.

Proper maintenance is key

By following these summer hot tub care tips, you can enjoy a clean, safe, and relaxing hot tub experience all summer long. Regular maintenance and attention to detail will help you avoid common issues and keep your hot tub in top condition. So, take the time to care for your hot tub properly, and it will reward you with endless hours of relaxation and enjoyment.


Q: How should I adjust the water temperature for my hot tub in summer?

A: It is important to adjust the water temperature to a cooler level, such as around 98℉, to ensure comfort and prevent overheating in the summer.

Q: Should I keep my hot tub running during the summer?

A: Yes, it is recommended to keep your hot tub running during the summer to prevent bacterial growth and maintain water circulation.

Q: What mode should I use to maintain a lower temperature in my hot tub?

A: Switching to “economy” or “sleep” mode can help maintain a lower temperature while still circulating the water.

Q: What chemicals should I use for my hot tub in summer?

A: It is essential to use the correct chemicals for your hot tub, such as chlorine, pH adjusters, and alkalinity increasers. Consult your hot tub manufacturer’s guidelines for specific recommendations.

Q: How frequently should I test the water in my hot tub during the summer?

A: It is recommended to test the water frequently for chlorine consumption, pH levels, and alkalinity, at least 2-3 times a week to ensure proper chemical balance.

Q: How can I prevent lotions and oils from causing buildup in my hot tub?

A: You can use tennis balls in your hot tub to absorb lotions and oils, preventing them from causing buildup and maintaining cleaner water.

Q: How often should I drain and clean my hot tub in summer?

A: It is important to regularly drain and clean your hot tub to remove any debris or buildup. The frequency can vary depending on usage, but typically every 3-4 months is recommended.

Q: What do I need to do to maintain the chemical balance in my hot tub?

A: To maintain the chemical balance, you should regularly test the water, adjust the levels as needed, and add chemicals according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Q: How can I ensure proper water circulation in my hot tub?

A: To ensure quality water circulation, make sure the jets and filters are clean, and the water level is at the appropriate level. Proper circulation helps with filtration and chemical distribution.

Q: Why is it important to conduct proactive inspections for cracks or leaks in my hot tub?

A: Proactive inspections help identify and address any cracks or leaks in your hot tub, preventing further damage and costly repairs in the future.

Q: How can I cool down my hot tub and enhance relaxation in summer?

A: You can add frozen water jugs to the hot tub, use a frozen wet towel, or sit up out of the water to allow for evaporation and cooling. These methods can enhance relaxation during hot summer days.

Q: What can I do to provide shade for my hot tub exposed to direct sunlight?

A: You can use an umbrella or shade structure to provide shade for your hot tub that is exposed to direct sunlight. This helps prevent excessive heating and potential damage.

Q: How can I troubleshoot common hot tub issues in summer?

A: If you encounter common hot tub issues such as low water temperature, cloudy water, or strange odors, refer to the troubleshooting tips provided in this article or consult your hot tub manufacturer for specific guidance.

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Jeff Campbell